Monday, November 12, 2007

R' Dovid Orlofsky: Skeptic Bloggers Are Make-Believe

Recently I've spent some time listening to kiruv lectures and finding some great gems that I'll share at a later time, but for now, the knowledge that we are all make-believe should tide you over.

Here is the quote, transcribed straight from a kiruv seminar at Ohr Sameach led by R' Dovid Orlofsky:

"People become frum, in my experience, because of people. They meet people, they are impressed by people. It’s people. It’s not the questions. People ask questions, but nine our of ten times they don’t care about the questions. I wish I could tell you that you are going to meet the apikores. You know. And he’s going to start shooting at you Rambams and you know, this and that. Those people don’t actually exist. They are make believe people on blogs. Don’t worry, You’ll never meet them. You know what I mean? Who are sitting here making up sources and bringing all these things. You don’t have to really worry about it too much. Most of the time most people are going to be impressed by you."

Forgetting about my existence (let me assure you, I do exist), his other point, which he and others stress throughout their lectures, is that people aren't attracted to Orthodoxy for intellectual reasons. Goes pretty well with Faranak Margolese's Off The Derech suggestion that almost all drop-outs from Orthodoxy leave because of bad experiences. You and I are evidence that this isn't the case, and the world is just beginning to realize that people have legitimate struggles with religion on intellectual grounds. But it doesn't matter, because I don't exist. Neither do you. Unsubscribe to XGH, OffTheDerech, DovBear, LubabNoMore, etc., save yourself some time - THEY ARE ALL MAKE BELIEVE.